Contain the Rising Cost of
Workers’ Compensation Medical Bills

Carisk Payment Integrity Clients Pay 50% Less on Average;
With Specific Case Savings Over 90%

Protect Your Money

A Strong Payment Integrity Strategy Ensures Long-Term
Financial Stability and Reduces Potential Losses

Achieve Unparalleled Savings on
Surgical Implants

Average Savings of 76% off Billed Charges for Implants
with Specific Case Savings over 80%

Payment Integrity

Carisk’s Payment Integrity program contains the costs of workers’ compensation medical bills through its evidence-based analysis, proprietary software, and advanced clinical negotiation, delivering savings beyond industry standards.

Employing a strong Payment Integrity strategy reduces fraud, waste and abuse and ensures accuracy and trustworthiness of workers’ compensation medical payments. Carisk achieves average savings of 50% across a range of claim types with specific case savings over 90%.


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Payment Integrity

Carisk’s Payment Integrity program contains the costs of workers’ compensation medical bills through its evidence-based analysis, proprietary software, and advanced clinical negotiation, delivering savings beyond industry standards.

Employing a strong Payment Integrity strategy reduces fraud, waste and abuse and ensures accuracy and trustworthiness of workers’ compensation medical payments. Carisk achieves average savings of 50% across a range of claim types with specific case savings over 90%.

Comparative Analysis

In addition to the clinical claims audit, Carisk utilizies reference points such as PPO Network negotiated rates, Medicare, Fee Schedule and Usual and Customary Rates to understand the performances of the program. The following real-word examples are representative of and consistent with Carisk’s overall program performance.

Carisk Payment Integrity Savings

Example Across Facility and Procedure Types

Hospital Inpatient

Non-Fee Schedule Example, Negotiated Rate Consistent with Medicare and 39% off PPO Discount and UCR

Carisk Payment Integrity Services

Facility Bill Negotiations

Inpatient and Outpatient Bill Negotiations for facility, physician, and medical equipment fees

Surgical Bill Negotiations

Unparalleled savings on surgical implants, prosthetics, device implants, and joint replacements


Reconciliation in advance for rehab/long term care, surgical procedures, and
air ambulance transfer

Demand Package Review

Independent summary of injured workers
case for settlement services

Lien Negotiations

Resolve liens and validate
legitimate disputes without litigation

Ensure Payments are Legitimate, Accurate and Compliant

Expert Analysis

Every bill is forensically reviewed
identifying all negotiation points

Credentialed Negotiators

Clinical nurses with hospital experience
and coding certifications complete
all negotiations

Long-term Relationships

Carisk negotiators maintain professionalism
and integrity throughout the negotiation
process. This ensures strong provider
relationships and durable results.

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